Eating Shellfish From Oregon and Washington Is Dangerous, FDA Says

The FDA recently warned that oysters, clams and other shellfish caught in Washington and Oregon may cause paralytic shellfish poisoning. This type of poisoning can be fatal. Here’s what you need to know.

Which shellfish does the FDA warn us not to eat?

According to the FDA, shellfish that may cause paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) that should not be served in restaurants and that consumers should not eat include:

  • Oysters and bay clams collected from cultivation sites in Netarts Bay and Tillamook Bay, Oregon, harvested on or after May 28, 2024.

  • All species of shellfish from growing areas in Willapa Bay, Washington, including: Stony Point, collected between May 26 and May 30, 2024; Bay Center collected between May 29 and May 30, 2024; and Bruceport, collected between May 29 and May 30, 2024.

The affected shellfish may have been sold in the following eight states:

  • Arizona

  • California

  • Colorado

  • Hawaii

  • Nevada

  • NY

  • Oregon

  • Washington

If you live in these states and have recently purchased shellfish, check to see if they came from Oregon or Washington. If so, the FDA recommends that you not eat it. (He also advises restaurants and retailers not to sell it.)

The toxins contained in these shellfish cannot be destroyed by freezing, so the warning applies to both frozen and fresh shellfish from these growing areas and harvest dates. If you notice symptoms of PSP, seek medical help.

What are the symptoms of paralytic shellfish poisoning?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), symptoms usually begin 30 to 60 minutes after eating shellfish and may include tingling and numbness of the lips and tongue. You may also have these symptoms on your face, arms and legs.

In severe cases, there may be more symptoms and they may progress quickly. Gastrointestinal symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting, may occur, as well as neurological (nerve and brain) symptoms, which may include headaches, dizziness, weakness, or a floating sensation.

Severe symptoms include problems walking or swallowing, and PSP can be fatal if it paralyzes the breathing muscles. If anyone has any of these symptoms, seek medical help immediately. There is no antidote for the toxin, but medical help can help a person continue to breathe until they recover.

How do shellfish become poisonous?

The toxin that causes PSP is produced by dinoflagellates , microscopic creatures that clams, oysters, and other sea creatures like to eat. There are usually not enough dinoflagellates in the water for toxin levels to harm people. But when toxic algal blooms (dinoflagellates are a type of algae) occur, the marine animals that eat them can accumulate dangerous levels of the toxin.

This appears to be what prompted the current FDA warning. High levels of PSP-causing toxins were found in shellfish samples from the areas and on warning days.

According to the Washington State Department of Health , it is impossible to tell whether shellfish are toxic by their appearance, and neither cooking nor freezing will eliminate the toxins. If you harvest your own seafood, check maps and warnings (like this map of Washington’s coastlines ) to see if harmful algal blooms are occurring in your area.


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