How to Prepare Now for Poor Air Quality During Bushfire Season
Air quality can be affected by a variety of factors, including smog trapped low to the ground by atmospheric conditions, industrial accidents, dust storms, volcanic eruptions, and smoke from wildfires. While there’s nothing you can do to stop breathing the air, you can prepare for an air quality event and pack a kit to keep you and your family safe.
Find a Local Air Quality Monitor
You can access up-to-date air quality information at . The site can either use your device’s location, or you can enter your zip code to find out the air quality in your area. The site has two features—a watch face and an interactive map—but the map is the more important feature because the tools it uses to analyze air quality are sometimes more advanced than a simple watch face. You can also tune into local news and weather to receive air quality forecast updates.
Keep doors and windows closed
If you determine that the air quality in your area is poor, you can help mitigate the impact on indoor air quality by keeping doors and windows closed. Limiting the circulation of outside air into your home can help improve the air you breathe inside and allow HVAC systems and air purifiers to better clean the air.
Create an Air Quality Emergency Kit
To prepare for an air quality emergency, you should put together a kit that includes all the items you need and keep it somewhere easy to access. Your kit should include:
Several N-95 masks or P100 respirators for outdoor use.
Two or three additional HVAC MERV-13 filters
Safety glasses and gloves for cleaning
When compiling a kit, masks and respirators must be labeled NIOSH N-95 or P100 somewhere on the packaging to ensure their authenticity. Make sure the air filters and air purifiers you use are MERV or CADR rated. These markings will tell you what type of particles they can handle and what space they can handle. Choose an air purifier designed for the size of room in which you are using it.
Make a health plan
If you or a family member has lung or heart disease, it is important to have a plan to deal with smoke and other air quality problems. Because of the increased risk, you may evacuate to a safer location, or you may have a special room with extra precautions, such as an air purifier, where you can go if your air quality becomes dangerous. Talk to your doctor about using masks or respirators to develop a plan in case you need to go outside.
Removing ash from wildfires or dust from hurricanes can release particles into the air and pose a risk to your lungs. Use gloves, an N95 mask or P100 respirator, and safety glasses to ensure that irritants and debris do not pose a health risk. When cleaning, you should wet or dampen the ash to reduce the chance of it becoming airborne. You should also avoid using leaf blowers, which can throw dust and ash into the air. If you have ash in your yard, lightly watering your lawn will anchor the ash to the ground and prevent it from flooding storm drains. When cleaning rooms, use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to prevent particles from becoming airborne. You may need to replace your HVAC and car air filters after air quality deteriorates, as they can become clogged more quickly.