The Safest Places During an Earthquake

Earthquakes can be a real bitch . These seismic disasters are the deadliest of all natural disasters, killing an average of 60,000 people a year. But if you manage to crouch in the right place when the ground begins to shake, you may be able to escape.

Many/most deaths from earthquakes could be prevented through greater construction of earthquake-resistant buildings, but even if you live in a building that shakes, there are still steps you can and should take to ensure maximum safety.

Where is the safest place to be during an earthquake?

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The safest place during an earthquake is probably the middle of an open field with no trees around, since the main danger from earthquakes is falling debris. But because you won’t have advance warning of an earthquake, staying safe may require quick thinking no matter where you are.

In general, earthquake survival is based on protecting yourself from falling debris and preventing yourself from falling. So if you are inside when an earthquake occurs, think: “Fall, cover and hold on.”

  • Fall : Get down on all fours when you feel the first trembling. This way, you won’t fall and you’ll be ready to crawl under the nearest desk or table. Do not try to run or go to a safer place because you may fall. Exception : If you are in bed, stay there. Place a pillow on your head and wait.

  • Cover : Place one hand on your neck and head, because you must, as the Wu Tang clan taught you, protect your neck . Then crawl under a sturdy table or desk if you have one nearby. If you don’t have one handy, crawl to the inside wall rather than the outside. Exterior walls have windows, and windows are not suitable in this situation. Remain on all fours with your arm over your neck to protect your skull and vital organs.

  • Hold on : Hold onto the table with one hand and hold the other above your neck and head. Be prepared to move around with the table or desk you are hanging onto for dear life. Think to yourself, “How long can this go on? Surely this must stop soon!” but wait until it actually stops moving.

  • If you are in a wheelchair : lock the wheels. Cover your neck. Wait.

  • Don’t stand in the doorway. This once common advice is terrible. In modern homes, doorways are no stronger than any other part of the house, and if you rush towards them, you are more likely to fall.

  • Do not run outside or into other indoor spaces : stay inside if you are inside, and outside if you are outside. Generally, moving can result in a fall, but in some situations (see below) it may be worthwhile if it can be done safely.

What to do if you are outside during an earthquake?

The “find something to hide under” strategy usually doesn’t apply if you’re outside, driving, or on the beach.

  • Outdoors : Move to an open area if it is safe to do so, away from power lines, trees, signs and any other potential hazards. The most dangerous place is outside, next to the building, as windows and decorations can fall from the sky. Still fall, cover and hold on, even if you are away from buildings.

  • Driving : Stop carefully. Set the parking brake. Avoid overpasses, bridges, power lines, signs and other hazards when possible. Stay in the car until the shaking stops. Then drive home slowly with the caution meter set to 9,000—after an earthquake, there could be any number of hazards on the road.

  • On the beach: If you’re close to the shore when an earthquake occurs, you probably won’t have to worry about falling debris, but you may have to worry about a tsunami . When the shaking stops, go to higher ground. Straightaway. Don’t wait for any official confirmation, just go.

How should you prepare for an earthquake?

There’s actually a lot you can do during an earthquake, but there’s a lot you can do to prepare for one before the ground begins to move. To make sure you’re prepared for the “big” earthquake (and smaller ones), you need to make a plan: prepare your home for an earthquake and know what to do once the earthquake is over.

Everyone should prepare their home for an earthquake

Earthquakes are more common in some geographic regions, but as the recent earthquake in the Northeast proves , even places that are generally seismically stable and have had few earthquakes in the past can experience tremors from time to time. So no matter where you live, you should take the time to secure your home in the event of an earthquake.

How to make your home more earthquake-proof

In the United States, most earthquake-prone areas have building codes designed to prevent the structural collapses that kill and cause the most injuries in earthquakes, but even if your walls and roof hold up, your home can still be deadly in an earthquake. . earthquake. Danger comes from falling or flying objects. In the 1994 Northridge earthquake in California, only 1 percent of injuries were caused by building collapses, and 55% were caused by loose objects in the home.

Start by looking around your house and imagine it shaking violently back and forth, up and down, at a rate of several feet per second. How much can you release that could kill you? This unsecured bookcase is a death trap; A heavy glass-framed picture above the sofa can cut you to pieces if something goes wrong.

Now, take some time—maybe get one or two things done over the weekend—to keep things safe. Literally everything .

Here are some specific things to think about, according to the California Earthquake Alliance :

  • Hang plants in lightweight pots with covered hooks, well secured to a beam or post and away from windows.

  • Install strong latches on your kitchen cabinets.

  • Use flexible connections where gas lines connect to appliances.

  • Remove or secure the refrigerator wheels and secure them with studs.

  • Secure valuable electronics such as computers and televisions.

  • Store breakable items in low or secure cabinets with latches.

  • Move heavy plants and other large items to the floor or low shelves.

  • Hang mirrors, pictures and paintings on covered hooks.

  • Secure a freestanding wood stove or fireplace insert.

  • Keep heavy, unstable objects away from doors and exit routes.

  • Place the bed away from windows and objects that could fall.

  • Secure trinkets and other small valuables with museum putty.

  • Mounting ceiling lights.

  • Place only light/soft objects on the bed.

  • Secure heavy furniture with stilettos.

  • Secure the water heater with metal straps attached to the studs.

  • Trim dangerous tree branches.

This is by no means a complete list.

What should you put in your earthquake emergency kit?

Once you’ve taken care of securing all potentially lethal projectiles in your home, gather the following essentials:

  • Keep the fire extinguisher (ABC type) in an easily accessible place.

  • Keep several flashlights in easily accessible places around the house.

  • Store the wrench or shut-off tool in a waterproof container near the gas meter.

  • Find out the location of the main electrical switch (fuse box or circuit breaker).

  • Keep your emergency plan handy and discuss it with everyone in your family.

  • Find out if you live, work or play in a tsunami hazard zone.

  • Purchase a NOAA weather radio with public alert capability to alert you to tsunamis and other hazards.

  • Keep a flashlight, slippers and gloves near your beds.

  • Keep your gas tank at least half full.

  • Keep an emergency backpack with copies of important documents near the door so you can grab it and go.

  • Store emergency food and water supplies in a dry, accessible place. Include a first aid kit, extra cash, a portable radio, extra batteries, medications and other necessary supplies.

Is it possible to get early warning about earthquakes?

Unless you’re psychic, you won’t have much warning that an earthquake is coming, but you can get a five-second or so head start if you sign up for an earthquake warning system like California’s My Shake app. ( Apple , Android ) A few seconds may not seem like a long time, but it’s enough time to crawl under a heavy table, gather your strength, and say a quick prayer.

What to do immediately after an earthquake?

When the ground stops shaking, the danger is not necessarily over. If it was a big earthquake, it’s probably going to be a really bad day.

  • If you are trapped : If you are trapped due to a collapsed house or something else, protect your mouth, nose and eyes from dust. Try to signal in any way you can, be it an emergency whistle (which I’m sure you always carry with you), ringing your cell phone, or loudly knocking. Knock three times every few minutes on a solid part of the building so that rescuers can find you.

  • If you are in a tsunami zone, go to higher ground: earthquakes often lead to tsunamis. Read my tsunami survival guide for detailed information on how to avoid being swept away by tsunami water. Again, don’t hesitate and don’t expect anything. Move quickly as soon as it is safe to do so.

  • Take care of the injured : If someone in your home is injured, administer first aid. Call an ambulance if you need it, but don’t expect it to show up right away. They will be busy.

  • Fires : Fires are a huge secondary hazard to earthquakes. If there is a small fire in your home and you are not injured, know what you are doing and remember where the fire extinguisher is and put it out. If the fire is severe, evacuate. Call for help, but don’t expect the fire brigade to show up any time soon. They will be busy.

  • Check for signs of gas leaks. You should only close the gas valve if you suspect a leak – if you see a broken pipe, smell gas, or see the meter spinning quickly, turn off the gas. If not, leave it enabled.

  • Check the wiring for damage . If your home’s wiring is damaged, turn everything off at the main breaker.

  • Do not use candles or lighters . Only use flashlights after an earthquake. You could accidentally start a fire or, worse, blow yourself up if there is a gas leak.

  • Be aware of other hazards in your home: Large-scale shifting of tectonic plates is likely to significantly change your environment. Take a moment, breathe, and access the damage. There will likely be broken glass, spilled liquids of all kinds including chemicals, broken masonry, and other terrible damage everywhere. Don’t be stupid and hurt yourself after an earthquake.

What should you do in the first days after an earthquake?

  • Let people know you’re okay : Everyone is worried, but your cell service may be out, so call someone in another area so they can tell others you’re okay. Take care of your batteries.

  • Check on your neighbors : especially if they are older or have any disabilities. (Of course, this means you like your neighbors. If not, then screw them.)

  • Determine if your home is safe . If you are concerned that your home is unsafe, don’t take the risk. FEMA is already setting up their shelters, and they will be glad to see you.

  • Stay Informed : Follow local radio and television reports on where to get food, clothing, shelter and first aid.

  • Food and water: If your power is out, eat frozen and refrigerated foods first and canned foods last.

  • Document : Take a photo of your destroyed home to file an insurance claim.

We hope that civil society in your community will recover relatively quickly. In this case, be sure to post photos of the damaged home on social media. Promise that you will restore it! Ask yourself why you moved to San Diego in the first place. Be amazed at how strangers came together to help strangers, or curse indifferent humanity for its indifference (depending on your experience). Think about how your earthquake plans failed and either promise that things will be better next time or decide that you are too small to fight fate and that the Great Death Quake will take you no matter how many you have battery-powered radios. I hope your earthquake trauma fades and turns into a funny story you can tell at the bar. Until the next one appears.


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