Khai Dao – Sexy Scrambled Egg Bad Boy

Eggs almost always play a major role in my diet. I usually make a soft omelette or toast with a fried egg for breakfast. Most conventional egg advice advises cooking them gently to prevent the whites from becoming tough, but today I’ve tossed the “good” advice to the wayside. I made a special scrambled egg that is cooked in piping hot oil and enjoys crispy strings of white: khai dao. Khai dao is a crispy Thai scrambled egg that deserves more than just toast.

Unlike deep-fried eggs , Khai Dao is shallow-fried, which makes a huge difference in texture and appearance. It doesn’t require tons of oil, just a puddle where the white rises sharply at the top and crisps to a deep golden brown at the bottom. It’s a simple method that produces three textures—crispy, chewy, and creamy—and makes a great addition to almost any dish.

If you’ve ever tried Thai cuisine, you’ve probably seen this bubbly fried egg with brittle edges sitting carelessly on pad kra prao, a dish of minced pork with Thai holy basil and chopped chilies. If you search the internet for “kai dao”, you will probably see a lot of recipes for fried egg salad called “yum khai dao” (or yum kai dao), where the fried egg is chopped and tossed with vegetables in sweet, sour and sweet taste. spicy dressing.

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How to cook Khai Dao in a frying pan

The beauty of this crispy, creamy egg is that it only takes minutes to prepare and can be served with anything from silken tofu to cheeseburgers, and you’ll always be glad you did.

Some pans are better suited to different styles of eggs than others. I think khai dao is perhaps 10% easier to cook in a wok than in a frying pan because the shape of the wok bowl ensures that there is always a small amount of oil left at the bottom. If you use a wok, you don’t need to fuss with the pan during cooking. If you’re using a Western-style frying pan, you can imitate the depth of a wok without pouring a cup of oil into it—just tilt the pan.

1. Heat the oil

Add two tablespoons of oil to the pan; neutral oil such as canola or corn oil. I like to use a higher slanted pan because we’ll be cooking the egg on a slanted pan to simulate a puddle in a wok. If your pan only has short sides, that’s okay, just don’t tilt it too far. Heat a frying pan over medium heat for a few minutes.

2. Prepare the egg

I like to crack the egg into a small wide bowl while the oil is heating. I do this primarily so that I don’t have to get my hands too close to the hot oil. When you drop the egg, the butter will spit and crack, so hold the far edge of the wide bowl to give yourself some clearance.

3. Fry khai (egg)

After about three minutes, check the oil. It should flicker. When you tilt the pan, it should quickly drip to the side, rather than spreading like cold butter. The egg crisps and bubbles best when the oil is very hot.

Photo: Ellie Chanthorn Reinmann.

Tilt the pan so that the oil pools on one side. Using your other hand, carefully lower the egg into the hot oil. The egg will immediately begin to bubble and sizzle. Place the egg bowl but keep the pan tilted. You won’t be turning this egg, but if you want the top to cook, use a small metal spoon to drizzle excess hot oil on top. After one or two splashes, you will see the yolk begin to become cloudy.

Photo: Ellie Chanthorn Reinmann.

After about two minutes, the white will be cooked and will have brown, lacy edges. The yolk will be medium runny when you crack it. I usually take mine out at this point, but you can cook it longer if you prefer. Remove the egg with a slotted metal spatula and place it on a paper towel-lined plate. You can cook more eggs in the remaining oil or use the oil to start cooking a larger batch of the dish.

Top that crispy egg with something savory, like beef stew, a slice of pizza, saag paneer, or finally a croque in a croque madame sandwich. Mama brand instant noodles are already perfect, but the only way to improve them is to use khai dao. So I made myself two.


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