Build Your Own Tiny Backyard Wildlife Pond

If you’re looking for your next gardening project and want something low-maintenance yet beneficial to the entire ecosystem, consider building a tiny wildlife pond.

Backyard ponds have a number of environmental benefits , but even if you don’t have the space for a full-size water feature, you can still increase the diversity of beneficial insects, amphibians and wildlife in your garden. Tiny ponds can attract and support dragonflies, damselflies, bees, frogs, birds and many others. They also don’t require a pump, filtration system or complex maintenance – plants and wildlife simply do their natural thing over time, ideally keeping things under control on their own.

How to Create a Tiny Wildlife Pond

A mini wildlife pond requires just a few materials and minimal maintenance. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A waterproof container such as a plastic container, trash can or bucket, although you can also use a trash can, barrel or an old sink.

  • Gravel for covering the bottom of the container

  • Bricks, pebbles and stones to create surfaces of varying depths.

  • Native Pond Plants

  • Water pots

  • Rainwater

Please note: When choosing plants for your pond , you will need several species to maintain a healthy and balanced ecosystem for your pond. Submerged plants live on the bottom of the pond, emergent plants have their roots submerged in shallow water, and floating plants, well, float. Find native pond or aquatic plants that are native to your area (don’t just pick plants from your yard or garden). Some developing plants grow best in water baskets, and loose submerged plants can be tied, tied, and weighted down to the bottom of a pond container.

Choose a place in the yard or garden that is well lit—there should be no bright sun or complete shade. You can either dig a hole and place the container in the ground, or leave it on the surface. Add gravel or small rocks to the bottom of the container, then place bricks and rocks of varying heights around the edges to create a surface for plants and for birds and insects to land on. If your container is not in the ground, add a ramp to the outside so frogs and other wildlife can easily get in and out. Then fill the pond with rainwater and start planting. If you must use tap water, wait a few days before adding any plants to allow the chemicals to dissipate.

For a visual demonstration and inspiration, Instagram user Martha @marfskitchengarden demonstrates how to build and maintain a tiny wildlife pond.

Once your pond is planted, all you have to do is wait. The tiny ecosystem will grow on its own—you don’t need to introduce frogs, fish, or other wildlife into it. Just check it regularly to top up (again, use collected rainwater), especially if you live in a dry climate, and remove any excess debris. If winter brings freezing temperatures, you may need to move your pond inside to keep it alive year-round.


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