How to Set up Amazon Alexa for the First Time
Amazon’s voice assistant and smart hub known as Alexa has gained serious popularity . Thread and Matter support means it supports a huge ecosystem of other smart device brands; and Amazon’s own brands Blink, Ring and Fire TV complement the functionality.
Connect to Alexa by downloading the app.
The first step to setting up Alexa is to download the Android or iPhone app. The first time you sign in to Alexa, it will ask you for your Amazon credentials. If you don’t have an Amazon account, they can help you set up one. Remember, there is no fee to have an Amazon account; you will need to subscribe to services for which you will be charged. He will then confirm your identity and ask if he is pronouncing your name correctly. Next, you’ll be asked to customize your account features, and this is where the fun begins.
The degree of access you give Alexa to information about you determines how much Alexa can help. Alexa will ask for access to your contacts, and you can choose to share them or not, with the understanding that if you do, they will be uploaded to Amazon’s server. If you don’t do this, Alexa will lose some functionality.
Choose whether you want to receive notifications; Although not required, notifications are part of Alexa’s functionality.
Parental controls in Alexa
Finally, you’ll be asked about other family members, so you can set up profiles for them as well. If this person is an adult, they will control what happens to their account. For kids, this is where you’ll start setting up parental controls. For each child, you’ll enter a birthday and then you’ll be asked to confirm you’re an adult by verifying the CCV code on your phone. Then you will learn about all the impressions that Alexa will give to the child: whether he will respond to his voice, etc.
Personalize Alexa based on your interests and preferences
Next, it’s time to tell Alexa a little about yourself. From a long list of possible services, including music, podcasts, movies, TV, sports, books, finance, food and restaurants, video games and news, you’ll be asked what your interests are. For example, if you select television, you will be asked a series of questions about what shows you like. Next, you’ll connect news sources and calendars.
From here you can connect services to your account. Imagine asking Alexa to play a song: what service should it play it on? Amazon, Tidal or Spotify music? Add your streaming services, podcast subscriptions, and phone services such as Skype or T-Mobile. Remember, Alexa can even call people.
Alexa also has multiple voices to choose from, so if you prefer to speak in a male voice, you can do that. If you whisper to Alexa, the settings will make sure she responds in a whisper. The settings panel will give you the ability to adjust accessibility, notifications, your location, and even privacy.
Extend Alexa through the hub
So far, everything you’ve set up is only for Alexa, the service that runs on your phone or other devices. If you’re near your phone, you can get Alexa’s attention. However, if you want to extend these services, especially away from your phone, you’ll need to add a device like the Amazon Echo .
There are two types of hubs to consider: a video display hub or a speaker hub. While the speaker can make calls, only the Display Hub can make video calls and show you streaming services. Amazon has a huge library of Echo devices that are worth checking out.
Once you install your Echo device, you can activate Alexa Emergency Assist, a $5.99 per month service that lets you ask Alexa to call emergency services. Alexa will dial e911 , a really valuable service if you imagine someone can’t get to their phone.
How to Add an Echo Hub to Alexa
To set up your Echo device, make sure it has Alexa loaded and Bluetooth and Wi-Fi turned on . Unbox and connect your Alexa Echo device. Back in the Amazon app, click the Add Device button. Alexa will ask what device it is and you will select Amazon Echo. It will then figure out what your Echo device is and walk you through step-by-step installation. Using Bluetooth, it will search for any devices nearby and try to connect to them. At some point it will ask for your Wi-Fi password, so it’s important to have it handy.
Once connected, the hub will provide you with a quick setup guide to help you recognize your voice and understand what services it can provide. In the future, instead of having to talk to your phone, you’ll only need to be within earshot of your Echo device for it to recognize that you’re talking to it.