Embrace the Cold and Dirt Like the Swedes Do

I don’t have an umbrella. The logic is simple: if it rains, I won’t go outside. Rain is just one of a long list of excuses I use to justify staying indoors (also on the list: all other forms of precipitation, temperatures outside the 50-90℉ range, dirt and mosquitoes).

The benefits of spending more time outdoors and in nature are well known, but it’s hard to get into the habit of getting fresh air every day when you have so many excuses to stay safe. I was confronted with this reality again by reading “There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather” by Linda Okeson McGurk, a Swedish mom who compares her childhood experiences in Scandinavia to raising children in the United States. If you want to get an idea of ​​the main differences, check out the book’s subtitle: “A Scandinavian Mom’s Secrets for Raising Healthy, Cheerful, and Confident Children (From Friluftsliv to Hygge).”

McGurk’s book contains a lot of practical advice for parents who want to spend more time with their children in nature, and it is also suitable for adults who have never coped with the feeling of awkwardness in the fresh air).

Give up excuses for staying home (like the weather).

First, I (and perhaps you) need to let go of the idea that the only suitable weather for outdoor activities is sunny, mild, and stable weather. Where I live in San Antonio, Texas, it rains 53 days a year. Four months of the year are too cold for me, and three months are unbearably hot. You can see how easy it is to talk yourself out of being outside most of the year. How often does the weather in your area keep you away from nature?

This doesn’t mean you should abandon common sense and go outside in any conditions. As McGurk writes: “Thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, flash floods, life-threatening temperatures or other types of crazy weather conditions are perfectly good reasons to stay inside.” But if the weather isn’t ideal—a little cold, a little too warm, a little drizzly or gray—it’s not worth staying cooped up and sacrificing the benefits of getting outside.

Perhaps your excuses go beyond the weather:

  • “I have no time”.

  • “I don’t want to get dirty.”

  • “Devil’s mosquitoes.”

You need to get used to the fact that “going outside” will become an integral part of your routine. Once this is accepted, it will be easier for you to see all the options for how to do this safely and more comfortably.

Stock up on suitable outerwear

Do you find yourself thinking that wearing inappropriate outerwear will lead to a viral illness, even though your logical mind knows that this makes no sense? Once you decide to spend time outdoors no matter what, start assembling the components of a weather-ready wardrobe. A well-planned ensemble can alleviate almost any weather-related discomfort.

McGurk advises looking for these items in outdoor gear and playwear for kids (or adults):

  • Protects from bad weather (wind, sun, moisture, low temperatures, etc.)

  • Withstands wear and tear

  • Easy to put on and take off

  • The fit is loose enough to allow range of motion while playing.

Depending on the season and your climate, also consider:

  • For warmth, use a base layer of wool or synthetic material, a midlayer of fleece or sweatshirt, an outer layer that is waterproof, windproof and breathable, and waterproof boots and mittens.

  • For the rainy season, consider rain pants, jacket and boots.

  • Choose play clothes that won’t stress you out if they get dirty or torn.

  • In summer, shoes are optional.

Practice Friluftsliv (outdoor living)

According to McGurk, the Swedish word friluftsliv describes “a culture and way of life that largely revolves around exploring and enjoying nature without competition.” The Swedes’ commitment to outdoor living can be described as almost religious. “Some even suggest that nature is filling the void left by the decline of organized religion in Sweden, now one of the most secular countries in the world,” she writes.

Their outdoor culture may also mitigate our modern tendency towards sensory overload seen in nature-oriented schools. “Nature activates all the senses, but does not suppress. When children play in nature, they tend to be calm but alert,” advises McGurk. The calming and energizing quality of nature can also help adults regulate the situation.

Try these tips to get more friluftsliv:

  • Eat outdoors whenever possible.

  • Take coffee or tea outside.

  • Open windows.

  • Find a cozy outdoor chair that’s an alternative to your usual indoor reading and scrolling nest.

Take a nap outside

If this is not your cultural norm, you may be shocked to see a mother leaving her baby outside to take a nap. However, in Scandinavia, leaving small children to sleep outside is not only considered normal, but also healthy. Daily fresh air is considered vital for children, second only to food, sleep and the caring love of parents. And the most common way to get some fresh air is from the comfort of a stroller,” writes McGurk.

It’s understandable that you might not be interested in the scrutiny that might come with leaving your baby sleeping outside unattended. However, consider how you and/or your children can safely take naps outdoors. A daybed on the veranda? That hammock you’ve always dreamed of in your backyard? This is your reminder that not only do you deserve rest, but fresh air will do you good.

Respect for natural spaces

As McGurk describes, some Swedish cities have made areas off-limits to encourage other forms of travel and reduce the environmental impact of fossil fuels. People have no choice but to ride a bike or walk outdoors when downtown streets are closed and nearby roads dead-end in green spaces.

Policies that transform a community’s infrastructure make all its citizens partners in caring for the space and the environment. Scandinavian children begin to understand their role in preserving the environment very early.

“In addition to giving children the opportunity to play in a natural environment, the challenge for preschool is to help them understand how they can contribute to a better environment, both now and in the future,” McGurk writes.

You and your children can spend more time outdoors and become more personally involved with nature through these activities:

  • Take an outdoor class by learning outdoor skills.

  • Compost is the first step to growing something yourself. Gardening doesn’t have to require a huge investment of space, time and energy. Start with one pot and one seed.

  • Keep bags and gloves handy to pick up trash as you move around the community.

Embrace the dirt and rain

Consider how much of your discomfort with dirt is rooted in fear of judgment. As McGurk points out, perhaps it is time to separate the ideas of dirt that comes from play and dirt that comes from neglect. “Sometimes it is the fears of adults that keep children from sensory experiences in nature… parents who allow their children to kick off their shoes in public risk embarrassment. Walking barefoot, like many other things that used to be commonplace during childhood in the United States, has now become controversial,” she writes.

Try designating a “messy area” in your yard where digging and exploration are encouraged. If you’re concerned about the clutter inside, set up a station and regularly dump dirty gear at the door. Practice prioritizing spending time outdoors every day—regardless of the weather—until it becomes part of your daily routine.

“Remember that not every outdoor adventure has to involve a grand adventure in a scenic national park: watching a caterpillar make its way across the sidewalk or simply laying in the grass and watching the clouds pass by in your backyard can be a great adventure for a young child. child,” McGurk writes. “Celebrate these daily nature experiences together and return to the same places often to ensure your child is forming a connection to your community and its natural areas.”


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