Why You Should Always Weigh Your Pet’s Food

If your pet is at a healthy weight, going over the kitchen scale to measure its food may seem unnecessary or even intrusive, especially when a simple measuring spoon is working fine. But the scale works better. They make it easy to feed your pet the right amount of food every time, which is as good for you as it is for him.

First of all, the scales are very accurate. While most pet food packages include a range of recommended servings in both cups and grams (or ounces), the vast majority of pet owners stick to scoops or measuring cups. Unfortunately, these tools pose a problem: what if a quarter cup of food isn’t enough and a third cup is too much? Observing “skimpy” or “heaped” scoops is so unreliable that you can systematically overfeed or malnourish your pet and will not benefit them. But if you use a scale, you will know exactly how much food they are getting for each meal, making it easy to adjust portions as needed.

Consistent portion sizes can also be important for your pet’s emotional health. Since pets cannot read clocks, they need a reliable daily routine – such as regular breakfast and dinner times – to know what’s going on. Obviously timing is a huge part of eating well, but serving sizes are just as important. Using the scale makes the entire experience as predictable as possible, giving your fuzzy friend a sure thing to look forward to every day. It also makes your job completely reliable: just put an empty bowl on the scale, tare it and add food until you reach the target weight.

If you don’t already have a kitchen scale, it’s worth buying just for pet food. Not only are digital scales affordable – literally every kitchen appliance retailer offers a couple of options ranging from $ 15 to $ 20 – they’re so versatile that you’ll wonder how you’ve ever lived without them .


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