Seven Things You Didn’t Know About in Travel Size

One of the things about travel is that your entire world is shrinking: time is running out, there is less space on an airplane than ever before , and many of the everyday items you use are suddenly “travel size”. However, you might be surprised to learn how many travel products actually exist – hell, there’s an entire “supermarket” dedicated to travel products called Minimus , where you can find just about everything you need in tiny, charming portions.

While most of us know that you can find plenty of food, toiletries, and other essentials in travel sizes, the wonders of the free market mean you can find some pretty amazing things designed for your luggage. Here are a few things you probably didn’t know about.

CPAP machines

If you have sleep apnea or another breathing disorder and regularly use a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine while you sleep, you know how difficult it is to travel with a bulky machine and how much space it takes up in your luggage. . Lucky for you, there are plenty of travel options like the ResMed AirMini . This tiny aircraft-approved device is packed with useful features and is surprisingly quiet, so you won’t disturb others on the plane or in a hotel dorm. It’s not cheap, but if you travel a lot, it’s a great investment.

Musical instruments

If you’re a musician, you know that traveling with big instruments can be a nightmare. Every few years, the news reports that another valuable tool has been completely destroyed by airline , airport , or TSA personnel, with delivery involving similar risks and additional costs. But if you’re just looking for a way to practice or just enjoy the game and miss it when you need to leave home, the good news is that you can find a pretty wide selection of tools in the travel versions. For example, a pocket piano with a modular design that transforms from a small square to a full-sized keyboard in seconds, or the Hofner Shorty electric guitar, which offers a full-fledged playing experience on a small instrument.

cocktail sets

Air travel can really cut short on your cocktail hour – even if you have time to unwind with a drink, you’re often limited by what the flight crew can provide. But with a travel cocktail set (or three), you can enjoy just about any cocktail you like, from Moscow mule to mint julep, from mojito to old-fashioned. All you need is alcohol and the kit comes with everything else you need to keep it stylish even in a tight economy.

Coffee makers and kettles

Coffee, tea, and other hot drinks are usually pretty easy to find on a trip, but costs can add up if you’re always taking cups with you, plus the quality of your drinks might not be exactly what you want when you’re used to it. But in fact, you can complete your own espresso machine with the tiny but powerful Nanopresso , which requires nothing more than coffee and hot water to make amazingly amazing coffee. You can also find collapsible travel kettles that let you brew tea, hot chocolate, or whatever warm drink you want, and it folds up and fits in your luggage without a problem.


If you train and travel a lot, you’ll know the horrors of hotel gyms: no equipment, broken machines, or crowds of irritated people elbowing each other. But did you know that you can actually pack weights to take with you to your gym workout? These travel dumbbells are a simple concept: plastic kettlebells that you fill with water offer up to 45 pounds of resistance each. Empty, they are light and thin and fit easily in luggage or carry-on, and all you need for a good workout is access to water.

white noise machine

Trouble sleeping, especially in unfamiliar beds? Religiously using a white noise machine at home? Good news: You can buy white noise travel machines like the Yogasleep Rohm – they’re tiny but have great battery life and offer soothing white noise to block out the world. It comes with a strap that makes it easy to hang it on your luggage or on the seat in front of you, but can also be placed on the nightstand next to your bed to provide a peaceful atmosphere and a better chance to get some rest.


No matter how carefully you pack your luggage, chances are you’ll spend your morning steaming your outfit in a hotel bathroom. Although some hotels provide an iron in the room, this is not always an option, but you can buy a travel iron that fits comfortably in your bag and is ready to use whenever you need it.


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