Clean and Decorate for Halloween at the Same Time As the “broom”

Getting motivated to clean ahead of the fall holiday season is hard enough. At the same time, you also have to decorate and find a way to entertain your children . One adorable TikTok trick allows you to do all three by turning your robot vacuum into a “broom”. This idea is half Halloween arts and crafts, half cleaning, and half just for fun – although it will take a little effort on your part, it will look like a broom is sweeping your house by itself, by magic, and it’s just as fun as it is seasonal. Here’s how to do it.

Make your “broom”

TikTok creator has demonstrated how to turn your robot vacuum cleaner into a broom, and it all starts with a fake “broom”. To assemble it, you will need the following materials:

  • tiki torch
  • wood paint
  • Two foam circles about the size of your vacuum cleaner
  • Glue
  • Raffia
  • Velcro
  • A thread
  • holiday ribbon
  • Scissors

Cut off the top of the tiki lantern, leaving the pins, and paint the handle with wood grain paint. Glue the foam circles together and attach the Velcro strips to the bottom. Attach your tiki torch to the foam circles by placing them inside the remaining pins and gluing each pin to the foam. Reinforce with twine or rope and tie extra rope around a small part of the scalloped part to keep it from coming apart. Arrange the strips of raffia around the stick, facing away from the pins towards the long end. Attach with glue, then flip it over so it covers the pins and tie it off. Is it starting to look like an old broom with shaky bristles? Add another ribbon at the top where the raffia is folded to give it some charm and hold it all together.

Attach it all to your vacuum cleaner

Place the other side of the Velcro strips over the Robot Cleaner and attach to the matching strips on the foam part of the broom. However, don’t start the vacuum yet: first trim the raffia so it doesn’t snag on the broom bristles, and position it around the edges of the machine. To keep the bristles in place, you can add some glue to some of the strands to make them stiffer.

Cleaning immediately becomes more festive, and you can unleash the vacuum during a Halloween party or when treats are knocking to create the most spooky seasonal vibes.


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