How to Recognize a Yeast Infection in Men
You may not have known that people with a penis can get a yeast infection, given that OTC ads are widely targeted at those who don’t. Prevention advice is usually directed at the vagina, and treating a yeast infection is usually categorized under women’s health. To be fair, the vagina gets the majority of yeast infections, but it’s worth knowing that anyone can get them and how to spot it.
What is a thrush?
No matter who you are or what equipment you pack, you likely have some common fungus known as Candida albicans roaming around in your body. According to WebMD , there’s probably some in the mouth and digestive tract right now, not to mention other moist skin areas. This fungus is usually present in the vagina as well. Although in most cases it does not cause problems, if it grows too much in any one place, it leads to a yeast infection.
Of course, this can happen anywhere where the fungus is present, such as in the mouth – when it does, it’s called oral thrush. When it occurs at the tip of the penis, it is called balanitis.
What are the symptoms of a penile yeast infection?
According to the Mayo Clinic and WebMD , look out for these symptoms if you think you may have a yeast infection:
- Moist skin of the penis, potentially with thick white matter accumulating in skin folds.
- Glossy white patches on the skin of the penis
- Redness, itching, or burning at the tip of the penis
- Discharge resembling cottage cheese or even smelling of an unpleasant “bread” smell.
- Swelling at the tip of the penis
- Problems with retraction of the foreskin
- Problems with urination
- Difficulty getting or keeping an erection
Of course, most of these symptoms can also be symptoms of something else, so pay close attention to whether you’re experiencing some of these and be aware of the following risk factors.
How can you get a yeast infection on the penis?
Balanitis is more common on uncircumcised penis. According to WebMD, these are some other risk factors:
- Taking antibiotics for a long time
- Diabetes
- Overweight
- Having a weak immune system
- Having trouble cleaning
- Having sensitivity to soaps, perfumes, or chemicals
Finally, the answer to the most burning question: is it possible to get thrush through sex with someone who has it? Yes you can. So, if you’re having sex with a partner who has a vaginal yeast infection, this overgrowth of the fungus can spread to your trash as well.
Diagnosis and treatment of balanitis
According to WebMD, diagnosing a penile yeast infection is pretty easy: your doctor will ask you about your symptoms, take a look, and possibly take a swab from a lab test tip. It’s important that you don’t try to self-diagnose because many of the symptoms of a yeast infection are similar to those of other sexually transmitted infections.
A doctor may recommend over-the-counter antifungal creams, but they may also prescribe one, a steroid cream, or oral medications. For recurring infections, they may recommend circumcision, stricter hygiene habits, better diabetes management, weight loss, or avoiding certain soaps or chemicals.
The infection should clear up within three to five days of starting treatment. To prevent this from happening again, be sure to clean and dry your penis every time you shower or have sex, use unscented hygiene products, and wear loose cotton underwear. Talk to your partner about his health and, if he has thrush, be sure to use a condom during sex until his illness goes away.