Unexpected Places to Take Earplugs

Your hearing is important and we have already advised you to bring earplugs to concerts and have them handy for watching loud movies to protect your ears. But there are other places where you should consider bringing earplugs with you, even in places that aren’t usually loud enough for you to worry about your ear health.


If you’ve ever been in the hospital, you probably know that it’s hard to get a good night’s sleep. There are lights on 24/7, nurses and roommates talking all the time, and all sorts of distractions that can make the night hectic. A pair of earplugs and a sleep mask can make your nights more peaceful.

During the travelling

Earplugs can help you fall asleep on a plane, block out the sounds of your hotel roommate’s too-loud TV, and reduce the regret of booking a room that happens to be too close to highways, railroad tracks, a construction site, or noisy places. wildlife.

This doubles if you have a roommate. Look, sometimes people snore. Sometimes they talk in their sleep. You won’t have to get up and push your neighbor if you remember to pack a couple of earplugs. Just make sure your alarm is set loud enough so that you can still hear it in the morning.

Library or coffee shop

A coffee shop can be a great place to get the job done, especially if the noise of the espresso machine and the muttering of your fellow regulars blend into a soothing but not distracting soundscape. But sometimes someone is talking right here, and it’s more distracting than I’d like. Use earplugs (or noise-canceling headphones if you like) so you can really get on with your studies or work.

On a motorcycle

The noise inside a motorcycle helmet can be depressingly loud (at least that’s what I hear), so much so that motorcycle earplugs become something special . Consider wearing them on your next trip, or anywhere else where wind or road noise might become uncomfortable.

When swimming

If you’re prone to swimmer’s ears, waterproof earplugs can help. They’re not just for swimming: consider wearing them if water gets into your ears while surfing, kayaking, or other activities in or near water.


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