Best Alternatives When You Run Out of Laundry Detergent

So, you decided to wash a bunch of laundry, but realized that you had already used the last detergent. Bummer – but there is still hope for your socks and underwear. As a last resort, you can substitute some common household items for your Tide or All; they may not have the same ability to remove stains, but they will get rid of odors and bacteria. Depending on which one you have on hand, they can even make your clothes look fresher.



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Baking soda. There are many creative ways to use baking soda, from putting out burning fat to quickly browning ground beef. This multipurpose baking ingredient and cleaner also works as a suitable alternative to laundry detergent. According to Essential Home and Garden, it effectively removes acids, oils and odors from all types of fabrics and is completely safe to use in the washing machine. If you want to get creative, add a few drops of an essential oil of your choice to give your laundry a nice scent.

Lemon juice. When life gives you lemons… do you use them to wash your clothes? All you need to do is dilute 1/3 cup of lemon juice with 3 cups of water and add to the machine during the wash cycle. Lemon juice will loosen stains and brighten whites. Note. Don’t try this trick with artificial lemon juice, which usually contains food coloring, and it will leave more stains than it originally did.

Vinegar. Vinegar will help your clothes look presentable; its acidity will remove stains and odors stubborn on clothes and leave no residue after rinsing. Vinegar is safe to use in the washing machine as it does not create foam. Perhaps it goes without saying, but this only applies to white vinegars . If you use dark vinegar, it will stain your clothes almost instantly.

Dishwashing liquid. Dishwashing detergent will clean your clothes if you’re willing to work hard. The problem is that washing in a washing machine is risky as it can create more foam than the machine can handle, so it’s a good idea to hand wash any clothing when using it. Add as needed to warm water bath, shake clothing and rinse thoroughly. Since the dishwashing detergent is not particularly acidic, you will see better results on soft fabrics such as cotton.

Hydrogen peroxide. This first aid will also help freshen up your clothes. The Spruce writes: “A 3% solution sold in pharmacies as a first aid disinfectant is the best choice for laundry. It can be safely used on all washable, dye-resistant fabrics.” Hydrogen peroxide will not only remove stains, but also eliminate accumulated odors; it’s perfect for washing overused towels or smelly socks you’ve worn in the rain.

Shampoo/body gel. Just like its dishwashing detergent counterpart, shampoo or body wash can also help clothes smell better in a pinch, although you probably won’t have much luck removing stains. Do not put shampoo or body wash in the washing machine as they are designed to create foam; you will have to wash your hands in the sink if you choose this method.

Vodka. This is the only alternative that will work and make you feel like a college freshman with a fake ID again. The list recommends pouring undiluted vodka into a spray bottle and spritzing lightly on clothing to be refreshed. This is mostly a temporary measure – it will help reduce odors, but alcohol won’t do much to remove dirt or stains. If you go down this path, choose a tasteless vodka or you risk getting new stains to fight off.


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