The 12 Worst Parenting Trends of the Last Century

From a modern point of view, long-discredited parenting methods seem ridiculous – what idiot would feed a six-month-old baby eggs, bacon and coffee? But remember, raising your child in weird ways wasn’t all that weird when a lot of people were doing it.

Once upon a time, even the most stupid parenting tendencies were considered perfectly normal or even encouraged and often supported by science (or “science”). A bunch of the most egregious once even not so long ago. Your parents probably raised you with at least one of them in mind.

Rest assured, you’re almost certainly making some kind of huge mistake in raising your kids, and you’ll probably live long enough to figure out what it was, so maybe take a look at the 12 worst childhood trends. uplift over the last 100 years or so will help you see this. Probably not, but at least you’ll know you’re in the company when your kids are screwed.


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