Hidden IPhone Calculator Tips You Should Use

You probably take the calculator app on your iPhone for granted. Sure, you can use it several times a week, but you don’t really think about it, do you? Well, this little workhorse can do a lot more than you think, from scientific calculations to more hidden functions.

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Easily turn it into a scientific calculator

While you have iPhone Rotation Lock disabled (which you can do from Control Center), rotate your phone sideways in the Calculator app to access the full scientific calculator app.

Delete numbers with a swipe

Okay, you probably don’t need a scientific calculator that often, but you probably need to delete individual numbers from time to time: just swipe left or right from the top of the screen to quickly delete a number without running the full calculation over.

Quickly clear only current numbers or all

You’ll be forgiven if you ever confuse the functionality of the ” C ” button with the ” AC ” button. Here’s the difference: if you want to clear the numbers you just typed on the screen, the ” C ” or (Clear) button will do so without deleting the previous steps. On the other hand, the ” AC ” (All Clear) button will clear the number you just entered and all previous steps in the calculation, so you start from scratch.

Copy and Paste Wizard

There are two ways to copy the latest result: press and hold the numbers at the top and press the ” Copy ” button, or press and hold the Calculator app and then directly copy the latest result without even opening the app itself.

Calculate without app Calculator

Our last tip has nothing to do with the Calculator app, but every iPhone user should know it. Like the Mac, the iPhone has a basic calculation function built into the search function. This means that you can make calculations by simply swiping down on the main screen.

Spotlight will let you do basic math, but it also includes currency and unit conversions (which even the Calculator app can’t do). Oh, and if you’re not in the mood to type, you can ask Siri to calculate the results for you.


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