How to Stop Your Dog From Bringing Outdoor Allergens Into Your Home

Even indoor dogs sometimes have to go outside, whether it’s to the toilet in nature, for a walk or for a walk. And, as you know from the rainy days, everything that happens outside gets inside with it, including pollen.

While dandruff usually comes to mind first when we think of dogs and allergies, your pup can make your hay fever worse this time of year. Here’s how it happens and what to do about it.

How do dogs bring allergens into the house?

Does your dog see a fresh patch of grass or ground cover and immediately want to wallow in it? Do they enjoy running through the fields or areas of your yard that you have landscaped?

If so, think about how much pollen (and dirt) gets on their fur. And even if they don’t actively ride or run on it, just being outside during allergy season is enough to make a difference in your home.

In addition to hair, pollen can also accumulate on the legs (including the top of the head, between the nails), in the ears, on the mustache, or on the hair on the face – just about anywhere.

“This [pollen] can be easily and quickly carried into your home and onto your furniture,” Sarah Ochoa (DVM) , a veterinarian at Whitehouse Veterinary Hospital in Whitehouse, Texas, and tells Lifehacker . “Many times you can even see the pollen on their fur.”

How to keep your dog from bringing allergens into the house

While you may not be able to remove every grain of pollen from your dog, you can get enough to make a difference. And before you stop reading because of the obvious answer (bath the dog), know that things are much more complicated.

Bathe the dog (with reservations)

While bathing your dog certainly helps remove pollen from his coat, keep in mind that bathing him every time he comes in from outside is unrealistic. Not only that, but some breeds , such as the Weimaraner, Dachshund, and German Hound, don’t (and shouldn’t) bathe very often.

If you have a dog that can bathe more often, Ochoa recommends bathing once a week during allergy season. “If you need to bathe them more, I would consider using an oatmeal-based shampoo or a mild shampoo that doesn’t dry out their coat,” she adds. For dogs that can’t bathe as often, she suggests using a waterless shampoo.

Other Ways to Stop Your Dog from Bringing Pollen Inside

Here are a few other days to remove pollen from your dog that are much less difficult than bathing and can be done more frequently:

  • Wipe down their fur and paws with a damp cloth when they are ready to go inside.
  • Brush them off before they enter and consider wearing a mask if you are allergic.
  • Use a microfiber mat , such as the one from Soggy Doggy, to pick up pollen stuck on your feet and between your toes.


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