Teach Kids Gratitude With These Tips at Different Ages

Gratitude is useful not only for adults. You can teach gratitude and children. The main thing is to make the lessons age-appropriate.

They interviewed Christine Carter in Time magazine. She is the director of the parenting program at the Greater Science Center at UC Berkeley. Parents can teach each age group gratitude with a separate question or exercise:

  1. Elementary School: Ask them to “name three good things in your day.”
  2. High School: Invite them to express gratitude by drawing it.
  3. High School: Encourage them to volunteer to help those less fortunate.

Of course, these are just tips for beginners. Teaching children to be grateful is a lifelong journey, but don’t think they’re too young to figure it out. Follow the link to learn more about this valuable tutorial.

Tips for All Ages: How to Raise Grateful Children | Time through BigThink


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