Nine Quotes From Stoic Philosophers for Happy Days

Philosophy can be practical. Throughout history, some of the world’s greatest minds have used Stoic philosophy to face high pressure situations and get the most out of difficult times. Best of all, they are still relevant today.

Before we continue, I would like to clarify one thing: I am far from a philosopher. However, two books helped me enjoy each day a little more, and also helped me get through some of my toughest moments and most stressful decisions: Letters from a Stoic by Seneca and Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

You cannot simply consume philosophy. You need to practice this and keep it in mind constantly in order to benefit from it. As Marcus Aurelius, who ruled the Roman Empire for nearly two decades, wrote in Reflections :

Doctors keep scalpels and other tools handy in case of an emergency. Keep your philosophy ready – the willingness to understand heaven and earth.

Here are some ideas to help you forget about your worries and make each day more enjoyable and meaningful.

Remember your opinion of yourself and dispel self-awareness

When you’re in office politics or surrounded by successful people, it’s easy to get shy. You can get rid of this anxiety by remembering that people’s opinions are temporary.

Of course, it’s perfectly okay to care about what other people think, and we all seek peer approval. However, if you find that it constantly bothers you, remember that you are more than how other people define you. Consult your own values ​​and reflect on your view of yourself. Marcus Aurelius shares:

It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but their opinion cares more than our own.

Remember this principle. The more you remember and use it, the easier it will be to less compare yourself to others and stay true to your goals and values.

You own your things, don’t let them own you

Even if your possessions bring you joy and pride, they ultimately serve a purpose. Having the strongest horse in the world is prestigious, but it won’t make you work faster and more comfortably than a car. Seneca, a Stoic philosopher and advisor to the Emperor Nero, observed that the rich are often more worried about their lives than those who live in poverty, despite their seemingly more comfortable lifestyles. He writes in letters :

We, in our crimson luxury, toss and turn and turn from anxiety tormented by acute worries. What a soft sleep the solid ground gave these people!

As much as possible, try not to tie your self-worth to your own possessions. As Seneca would later write, this is not a smug thought, but the thought of maintaining one’s own ego and happiness:

No matter how much you own, there is someone else who has more, and you will imagine that you lack everything you need to the extent that you lag behind him.

By remembering what things are really for – to get rid of pain or to bring pleasure into your life – you will be happy with what you have.

Rest may not be comforting, and work may be a blessing

Even when you’re messing around, your brain can move at a mile per minute. You are not quite relaxing or resting. You are more nervous. Seneca says this in Letters :

The fact that the body is lying is not a basis for assuming that the mind is calm. Rest is sometimes far from rest.

The physical lying position is not always the solution to mental exhaustion or stress. Instead of indulging in rest and relaxation, relax less than you think . It can help you perform better . Of course, work can also melt your other worries, which your brain is more likely to create and reflect upon when it has a free capacity:

The really busy people never have enough time to get scared. And there is nothing more obvious than the fact that the harmful effects of inaction disappear as a result of activity.

This does not mean that you should use work as a remedy for life’s problems. However, work can be an outlet for you to transfer energy from your brain that might otherwise be blocking yourself. Seneca reminds us of this when he writes: “For the pleasure of vanity is not hard work – it is just the restless energy of a persecuted mind.”

There is a difference between turning the wheels and getting the job done. Working hard will work best if you take the time to prioritize, think about the most appropriate plans, and prepare properly.

Choose your friends carefully and don’t rush to judge others

Whether it’s coworkers, peers, or friends, the people you interact with inevitably influence you. This is why Seneca is adamant that you should be friends with people who can make you better. In fact, you should also be able to improve them somehow:

Connect with people who can improve you. We welcome those who know how to improve. It is a reciprocal process: men learn as they teach.

No matter how much your friends improve you, they also sometimes let you down or do things that you don’t approve of. When you feel disappointed in someone else, Marcus Aurelius suggests thinking:

When faced with bad behavior from people, turn around and ask when you have behaved this way.

How many qualities do you have that will make many people get rid of you?

These people will not stay in your life forever. People move around the world, go through different stages of life, or may establish relationships with another circle of friends. Seneca reminds us of how temporary friendship can be and how suddenly it can end:

So let’s do our best to make the most of our friends, as no one can say how long we will have this opportunity.

One of the greatest joys in life is experiencing something with friends, so don’t take it for granted. Remember, even if your friends are not perfect or as approachable as you would like, you are also far from perfect.

Stoic philosophy brings calm analysis to the turbulent journey of life and advises us on how best to get through it. Both books explore many deeper topics, but they provide tips for the modern workplace, property, work and leisure. These timeless principles are just as, if not more, relevant today than they were thousands of years ago.


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