Why You May Not Have Enough Time (Even If You Have a Lot of It)

We all have days when it seems like there isn’t enough time in the world to get the job done. In truth, you may have plenty of time to get things done, but your competing goals have changed your overall perception of time.

In a recent study, Jordan Atkin of Duke’s Fuqua School of Business teamed up with researchers at Stanford to see how conflicting goals can change your perception of time. They found that goals that were perceived as conflicting made the participants feel pressured against time. When goals seem to be pulling us in multiple directions, we become anxious and begin to believe that we may not have enough time to do what we need to do. Clash of priorities, and suddenly the time itself seems to be shorter. In addition, participants were found to be much more impatient when such anxiety developed.

So what can you do to control your perception of time? Atkin and her colleagues recommend taking slow breaths for 11 seconds. It can also help to cheer yourself up in any way you can. Participants asked to repeat out loud, “I’m excited!” were also able to correct their perception of time. Of course, you can also find a way to ensure that your daily tasks never clash from the start. Organize your week so that your days have themes, or break your work into groups of similar ideas. Your brain has many ways to perceive time , and gaining control over your perception can help you relieve stress.

Are they pressing for the time? Conflicting Goals Affect Perception, Spending, and Estimation of Time | Social Science Research Network through Duke Fuqua School of Business


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