Disarming Passive-Aggressive People With Honesty

Talking honestly with others can lead to faster resolution of conflicts. If the person you are in conflict with is passive-aggressive, try using honesty to disarm their behavior and focus the conversation on the real issue.

When you open a discussion, you stop the problem from growing. Straightforwardness brings you back to talking about what really bothers the other person and how you can solve their problems. Mallory Kara, who writes on the Trulia blog, gives an example:

But experts say there are many ways to clearly tell your roommate to do the dishes, turn down the volume, and, in my case, mention that you want to watch TV.

Experts say that instead of rushing into my room and ordering Hoole to watch Olivia Pope’s latest adventure, I should have started chatting immediately, saying, “You say my TV shows are not your type and you would like to watch something. more? “

More tips for working with passive-aggressive people can be found in the full post at the link below.

Ways To Deal With Passive-Aggressive Roommates | Trulia


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