Ask These Questions to Expose a Fake Debt Collector

It’s no secret that debt collectors will resort to some dubious tactics to get money from you, but it’s even worse when someone posing as a debt collector tries to get you to shell out money you might not owe. … There are three simple questions at Simple Dollar that will stop a fake collector.

We discussed that it’s important to go straight to the debt collectors if you want them to leave, but when you do pick up the phone, the first thing to do is to make sure that the person you are talking to is actually authorized to handle the debt in question.

These questions will convince you that they are. The Simple Dollar invites you to ask:

  • What is the name, address and phone number of the company you are calling from?
  • What name and address of the debtor are you trying to contact?
  • ‘What are the last four digits of the debtor’s social security number?

These should all be questions that a real debt collector calling to settle an actual debt should have no difficulty in answering and should be free to give, especially if they think they are talking to the debtor in question. Given how many scams and fraudulent debt collection schemes have hit the headlines lately, these questions can mean the difference between settling real debt that you might not have known about, or falling for a fraud.

If the company provides you with their information, and you still believe that the debt is fictitious (or, worse, it has already been resolved, but someone is trying to squeeze money out of you), you can send them an email to request additional data. or dispute a debt . This will save them from your back too. Follow the link below for more tips.

Expose The Fake Debt Collector By Asking These Three Questions | Simple dollar


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