Make Your Bed Every Morning to Develop New Habits.

Making a bed is one of those habits that seem pointless. You will spoil it every night and no one will ever see how it is done, right? Well, except for you. And the satisfaction that it gives you is really worth it.

As Naval Admiral William H. McRaven explains, making your bed every morning isn’t about the benefits of perfectly organized bedding. It’s about starting your day with a productive routine and giving yourself something to satisfy. Rather than crawling out of bed leaving a trail of clutter in your wake, you’ll start your day with something you’ve accomplished:

If you make your bed every morning, you have completed the first task of the day. It will give you a sense of pride and encourage you to complete one more task, another, and another. By the end of the day, this one completed task will turn into many completed tasks. Making your bed will also prove that the little things in life matter. If you can’t do the little things right, you can never do the big things right. And if you have a miserable day, you will return home to a tucked-up – tucked in by you – and a tucked-in bed will reassure you that tomorrow will be better. If you want to change the world, start by making your bed.

In this case, it is not the habit itself that is important. If you slip or miss a day, you probably won’t have an instructor sergeant (or admiral) yelling at you. You may never notice or notice that your bed is not made. But the real goal is how habits carry over to the rest of the day. Because if you can wake up in the morning and complete a task before leaving the bedroom, you can do whatever you want on that day.

Update: It looks like we’ve already mentioned this admiral’s advice before . Sorry for repeating!

Admiral McRaven Urges Alumni to Gather Courage and Change the World | University of Texas at 99u


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