Why Is It so Hard to Learn to Program (and What to Do About It)

Somewhere between starting programming and getting ready to go, you may experience a “desert of despair”. The Viking Codex School explains why this struggle takes place and what you can do to survive it.

In the beginning, you will find tons of resources that you can use to learn how to program . But after the beginner level, writes Eric Trautman, such resources become less. Instead of tons of tutorials and courses, you’ll have to rely on tutorials, documents, and the like. The second factor is the amount of knowledge you need to progress until you can make a career as a software engineer and you may end up going down the rabbit holes just to find out what you don’t know.

While difficult, there are three things you can do to get past this stage: collaborate with others, set clear goals for what you want to achieve, and focus only on the resources that will lead you to that goal.

Read the blog post below to learn more about this winding path.

Why Learning to Program Is So Damn Hard | Viking Codex School Blog


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