The Number of Close Friends Can Affect Your Life Expectancy

As we get older , making meaningful friendships becomes more difficult , and yet they are important at work , to our overall success and, as Psychology Today suggests, to our longevity.

Social gerontologist Don Carr writes that meaningful relationships with others who share our values ​​can not only make us more resilient to negative feelings, but also protect us physiologically. One study found that volunteers, for example, had lower levels of inflammation.

She offers this test to find out where you are:

How many people outside of your family would you be willing to call in the middle of the night if you needed help, and how many would like to get out of bed and help? What if you achieved one of these important life goals? Who would you call? If you don’t have at least two people on both lists, you may need to take more seriously the role of social relationships in your life. And, if you don’t have clear life goals from which to assess how you spend your time and who you spend time with, you may need to take a step back and take stock. If you choose the right friends, they can very well play an important role in your longevity. So choose carefully …

Do you have at least two friends you can rely on with Speed ​​Dial?

Your Friends Affect Your Lifespan | Psychology today


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