The Company You Work for Is Not Your Friend

One thing becomes apparent after the honeymoon of your newly embarked career is over: your employer – whether it’s a scrappy startup or a large multimillion dollar company – is not your friend. You are a resource. This means that in reality you can only trust you. Here’s how to stay cool and in control of your career.

There are undoubtedly great jobs and companies out there that really care about their employees. However, such companies are rare and you are lucky if you land a job at one of them. Chances are, you’ll find a team or boss that cares enough for you so that every day doesn’t turn into a heartbreaking routine.

However, many of us quickly learn – either through layoffs, bad bosses, or how they resolve disputes – that the companies we work for don’t care about us. We are learning to double standards: give two weeks’ notice of quit, even if the company can fire us at any time without warning. It sucks, but it’s a reminder that you are your best ally.

Human resources are needed not to protect you, but to protect the company

It is tempting to believe that human resources are ready to help you. This is not necessarily true . More often than not, HR is responsible for HR paperwork, benefits, salaries and – if your company cares – for employee training and morale. They make sure everyone can focus on the job, that pay is competitive enough to attract talent, and that you don’t have distractions from employee relationships, poor managers, and other issues. Quickly. They will always serve the needs and interests of the company , whether it aligns with your interests or not.

There are probably good people in your HR department who are willing to help, but finding them can be tricky. When you do, you will likely be dealing with them on an individual basis, as an advisor or advisor. After all, this is called “human resources” and employees are not “human capital” for nothing.

We are not saying that you should completely distrust HR, but HR should never be your first step if you have a problem. You cannot always count on discretion unless it is specifically guaranteed and your complaint is likely to return to the person behind it. Instead, try to resolve differences and concerns yourself before asking someone to participate. It can be harder and sometimes not worth it, but learning to be assertive and solving office problems on your own will serve you well for every subsequent problem that comes up or the job you’ve ever had.

Always keep a job offer in your back pocket

A few years ago, on the “motivational event” cliché, I listened to an unforgettable person explain how we should stay on the road to success – you know, standard things like “hurray, hurray, work harder.” One thing that stood out, however, was that during his time as a manager, he found that the employees who had another job offer in their pocket were the ones who did the best. They were the happiest, most assertive, and happiest at the end of the day. Why? It’s simple: they felt needed. They felt that their skills were in demand, that they had opportunities and that they were in control of their careers. He suggested that we all do the same.

Of course, not every employer will like this idea, but honestly, this is not their business. I have worked in companies where managers would pull you aside to “make sure everything is in order,” because HR insisted on them when you updated your resume . This tactic is designed to make you feel like your current job is the only one you’ve ever had or are good enough for, and that you are afraid of the job market. Don’t fall for it.

Even if you have to go undercover hunting , look for information on other companies you would like to work for. Arrange interviews and informal coffee conversations with the people who work there. Connect with them on LinkedIn (yes, people do use it ) and other social networks. Plant a few sentences. Remember, a job offer is not a contract – you can collect offers like a Halloween gimmick and never move. The point is to remember that you are in demand and to explore this area. And as a bonus, you will build your professional network as a result.

Never stop looking for a job, especially after you’ve found a new job.

Likewise, don’t use your new job as an excuse to stop looking. A new job means you are at the beginning of a new opportunity, but the company views you as a newly acquired risk. You’ve heard the old adage, “Last hired, first fired,” right? One round of layoffs and that’s you. Most of the new jobs also have a probationary period. Even if you think everything went well, all you need is a budget cut for your department or a boss who is hard to please and you are back on the market.

In a sense, as a new employee, you become more vulnerable than someone who has worked in the same job for years and has people who rely on them every day. Of course, safety at work is an impossible dream for most people anyway, so we are all vulnerable, but this only underlines the importance of constant attention to the ground, including the first days at a new concert with sparkling eyes.

Your professional network is more valuable than you think

Many people laugh at the idea of ​​a “professional network”. It sounds ridiculous, but it doesn’t have to . As we said, there is nothing artificial in a professional network, nothing fake – they are just friends who know each other professionally and try to help each other whenever possible. You can see how valuable that would be in a world of layoffs, budget cuts and culturally responsive layoffs.

I had lunch with my old CIO a few months ago, and while I still owe him a few more letters, I happily count him as someone I would call if I passed the layoff test. In short, if you got fired today, think about the first ten people you would call or email to see if they have new job leads or tips. If you can’t remember ten people, start emailing old colleagues and friends now. Say hello, find out what they are doing, and ask if you can help them with their career development. You may not have much to offer, but you’d be surprised what a quick check on your company’s job boards or a whisper from a friend of a friend could mean for someone caught in a crappy work situation.

This is how you build a professional network. Follow your old office friends on social networks and congratulate them on their new job. Follow their work in your industry. Congratulate them when they have a baby or buy a house. In short, be a good friend . Now think about how valuable all this would be to you if you were looking for a way out of a terrible situation. There is no guarantee that people will rally to your aid, but the chances are much higher if you, too, are close to your friends, right?

Know when to fold them

Sometimes the best advice is to just quit smoking. Seriously – we mention this in almost every career post because it should always be an option. One of the best things you can do in any job is to walk every day knowing that they need you more than you need them. If the scale tilts in the opposite direction, do something about it or start looking. Don’t get stuck in a position where you’re never sure you can find a new job quickly. Just being in this position of power is enough to get through most of the shit that we all go through in any job.

Of course, it’s easy to read about other people’s problems and say, “Just quit.” Most of us have bills to pay, so don’t be too reckless. Be mature and try to solve your problems, but never put up with too much. The door is always there, and you can go through it and never return.


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