In Some Cases, the Right Way Is to “pretend Until You Succeed.”

Usually “ pretend until you do” is all about pretending to be who you are not . In the workplace, it’s less about physical appearance than about mimicking the behavior of successful people.

In the Harvard Business Review, they explain why you might want to copy the behavior of successful people you know:

People using this strategy focus their efforts primarily on replicating the observed behavior, even if they do not fully understand it. Then, with practice, like Lewis, they try to “get into another person’s brain.” In their opinion, they are not inauthentic – they just evolve to do their job. After a while, they find that they have switched to a new way of thinking.

We have already talked about mirroring behavior , but here we are talking more about mirroring a successful person. Sometimes it is easier to look and do than to analyze and understand. Follow the link for tips on how to try this strategy yourself.

It’s Never Too Experienced To Pretend Until You Learn | Harvard Business Review


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