Look for Specificity in Recipes to Separate Good From Bad.

Search the internet for a recipe for anything and you will see so many results that it is nearly impossible to choose the right one to follow. Aside from a few trustworthy sites, The Kitchn offers feature searches to tell the ugly recipes from the bad ones.

In this case, specificity does mean a lot of things, but it’s really about finding a specific language. A recipe that tells you to collect “1 carrot” is useless. A good recipe writer will say something like “1 medium carrot” or “1 cup chopped carrots.” Most good recipe makers will also avoid chefs using words like “deglaze” and prefer specific instructions for removing the frosting instead. The same goes for the cooking time. A recipe has a better chance of success if it says something like “the onion should be translucent” rather than “cook it for five minutes.” Visit The Kitchn for some more tips on good recipes.

Recipe Authors Tell Us How To Find Reliable Recipes Online | Kitchen


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