Start a Money Conversation With Your Partner With These Questions

Finances can be a huge issue in a relationship , but starting a conversation about spending is one of the best things you can do. The Wall Street Journal has compiled a list of important questions that kicked off this painfully awkward conversation.

In a conversation with a variety of experts, the Wall Street Journal suggests 10 ways to start a conversation to make sure both of you are on the same page for financial matters:

  1. What’s your most painful memory of money?
  2. What’s your happiest memory of money?
  3. How has this experience influenced your attitude towards money?
  4. What three things have you parents taught you about money?
  5. What lessons have you applied in your financial life?
  6. Was your family rich, poor, or middle-class?
  7. What were your family’s values ​​for money?
  8. What are you most afraid of in finance?
  9. What are your most important financial goals?
  10. What are you willing to do differently with money?

Chances are, many of these questions are topics you’ve already covered, but it’s still a good way to get a solid picture of your partner’s financial situation so that there aren’t any crazy surprises in the future.

How Couples Can Resolve Their Biggest Fights Over Money | Wall Street Magazine


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