Use the Leftover Ginger Peel to Make Tea
Ginger isn’t the cheapest ingredient – making tea with the peel will get you the most bang for your buck. Ginger tea is a quick way to relieve an upset stomach or relax with a decaffeinated drink.
After you peel the ginger for cooking, collect the peel for the tea. Just boil the peel in water for a few minutes. Strain the rind (or place the rind in a cloth bag or tea ball before boiling) and sip on a delicious cup of tea. If you want the ginger to be stronger, let the peel sit in hot water after removing from heat. I like to brew tea to enjoy while I prepare the rest of the ingredients, or while I wait for something to boil.
Dealing with Leftover Asian Flavors: Fresh Ginger Peel and Lemongrass Tea | Rachel Phipps