Read a Book Faster While Listening to an Audiobook
Regular reading brings many benefits, but reading a book can take a while. To speed up the process, try listening to an audiobook at the same time, twice as fast.
YouTube user FightMediocrity recommends this method. He listens to the book, visually following it. In the video, he explains the benefits of reading this way:
First, it combines two senses … so you get a really good understanding, but very effective at the same time. … Another, perhaps even more important, benefit is … it helps you move on. That way, you don’t go back and re-read, you don’t take unnecessary breaks and pauses, your eyes don’t run all the time, and you don’t get distracted every two minutes.
One important thing to keep in mind with this advice is that comprehension depends a lot on the purpose of your reading (which it points to).
For example, fiction is full of nuances. You need to go back and re-read. You need to take breaks to think over the details. In fact, this is not limited to creative writing either. Even when I read a practical non-fiction book, I often have to go back and re-read passages to fully understand the concepts. Depending on the purpose of your reading and the complexity of the topic, your experience will depend on this method.
But with the right book, it is definitely worth a try. Watch the full video to find out more.