Hack a Coconut With Household Items You Already Have

Fresh coconut is a completely different, more delicious animal than the pre-shredded product you buy in a bag. Getting to the delicious pulp inside a whole coconut may feel a little like sneaking into Fort Knox, but it’s worth it. Luckily, Saver is here to show us an easy way to make a crack with just a hammer and screwdriver.

To expose the delightful drupe, poke three holes in the upper part by gently tapping the eyes with the business end of a screwdriver with a hammer. Pour the water (or pour some rum into the funnel and stick a straw in it) and gently hit the circumference of the fruit with a hammer until it splits in two.

Scrape off the flesh with a spoon or coconut scraper and add to cakes, smoothies, or straight away.

The Basics: How To Split A Coconut | Saveur


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