The Best Way to Pack a Trendy Hat in a Suitcase so It Doesn’t Get Squashed

If you like wearing hats that are a little prettier than baseball caps, traveling with them can be tricky. This packing trick makes it easy to pack easily crushed hats into your suitcase.

If you want to take your fedora, bowler hat, or sun hat with you on your travels, you can wear them, carry them with you all the time, or pack them in your suitcase. However, they can be crushed quite easily by ruining the hat. This trick, done by Geneva Wandersijl on the A Pair & A Spare style blog, could save the day. Roll or fold sturdy clothing and tuck it into the crown of the hat to support it. Then put it on the bottom of your suitcase. Once you have done that, just start collecting it so that nothing is sitting on the crown. When you get to your destination, your hat should be ready for use.

How to: pack your hat in a suitcase | Pair and spare


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