How Did You Stay Motivated While Losing Your Job?
Even if you anticipate it, job loss can be devastating. You are going through the emotional process of changing your routine, and if that is not enough, finding a new job can really take its toll on you. If you were there, how did you keep motivated?
A long job search is usually full of ups and downs. You think you’ve found a job, you get excited, you find yourself out of the blue, and you get frustrated and disappointed. Maybe you got fired; maybe you got fired. Or, damn it, maybe you leave. Whatever the scenario, if you lost your job and went through the long, grueling process of finding a new one, we want to know how you got through it.
We’ve given you tips on how to stay motivated , but we want to know which tips and tricks work best for you. And besides motivation, how did you manage to stay afloat financially?