Workspace for Flipping Through Tables

Some people like motivational posters or family photos above their workplace. Not so for Bob Jui, who simply displays emojis on the main wall of his workstation flipping a table.

It’s humorous, perhaps a reminder to chill out, and blends perfectly with the sleek black and white decor of the rest of the office. (By the way, I searched but couldn’t find a place to buy this wall decal, even though Etsy used to stock it .) The table looks like a DIY, the three monitors are perfectly aligned under the table top, and this chair really looks comfy. …

If you have your own workspace to show off, share it with us by adding it to our Lifehacker Workspace Show and Tell Flickr pool. Make sure all photos you add are at least 640×360 in size. Maintaining their 16: 9 aspect ratio also helps! Include a little text about what you used, how you came up with the design, and any other important details. If your smart organization and good design flair are striking, you might be the next ambassador for your workspace.

Installation presentation | Flickr


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