Get Rid of Kitchen Sink Odors With the “boil Water Trick”

All sorts of foul-smelling dirt can build up in the pipes under the kitchen sink, especially if you are one of the many who don’t use the chute. This trick will help you not smell like a sink over time.

By no means pouring boiling water into the sink, but The Kitchn AMLitt commenter shares some helpful advice on using boiling water to eliminate odors before they start to develop:

My former homeowner taught me an old boiling water trick to clear old and weaker pipes of debris. Every time you boil the kettle, instead of letting the water cool down again, simply pour whatever is left directly into the sink. If you, like me, use your French press several times a week, it helps a lot.

In any case, there is probably little left in your kettle every time you use it, so use this water well and get rid of any unpleasant odors. When things go awry, you can never go wrong with adding some baking soda and vinegar . If you have a trash chute, ice cubes with lemon and vinegar may help .

Update: Some of you have pointed out that boiling water has the potential to harm domestic sewers. Let the remaining boiling water cool for a few minutes before pouring it out, so it looks more like you are pouring “hot water” rather than boiling. Also, do not empty the entire pot of boiling water down the drain, just what is left after letting it cool slightly. Pouring in some warm tap water at the same time will also help absorb some of the excess heat, if you’re concerned.

10 Ways To Get Rid Of A Ugly Kitchen Sink Smell | Kitchen


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