Plan a Free Online Education at Lifehacker U: Fall 2015 Semester

Your education should not stop after you leave school. We’ve compiled the curriculum from the best free online classes available online this fall for the final semester of Lifehacker U, our regularly updated guide to improving your life with free online college-level classes. Let’s start.

Orientation: What is Lifehacker U?

Whether you’re heading to college for the first time, or you’re back in class after a relaxing summer break, or you’re out of school a long time ago and want to learn something new, now is the time to incorporate that and improve your skills with some fun and educational activities and workshops. Anyone with a little time and a passion for self-development can check, read, and “enroll” in these courses for their own personal benefit. Schools such as Yale, MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley and many more offer free online classes that you can audit and participate in from the comfort of your office chair, couch, or computer chair of your choice.

If you recall from our 2015 summer semester , some of these classes are available year round, but many are only available for a specific semester or semester, and because we are all committed to helping you improve your life at Lifehacker. We’ve compiled a list of courses available this summer that will inspire you, challenge you, open the door to something new, and give you the tools to improve your life. Grab a pen and paper and make sure your battery is charged – class is in the game now!


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