Find Out Where to Focus Next With This Motivation Matrix

You probably have a lot of things that you are interested in or are involved in, and knowing what to focus on can be tricky. This exercise will help you find activities to keep working on so you can build your self-confidence and increase your motivation.

This exercise was developed by Tina Seelig, author of INSIGHT OUT: Get Ideas Out of Your Head and Into the World , excerpted from Medium. Place a sticker in each quadrant and list the action that matches the description:

In the upper right quadrant, each person places an activity that they are very passionate about and trust; in the upper left quadrant, they put a unit for an activity for which they have a lot of enthusiasm and low confidence. In the lower quadrants, they place activities for which they have little enthusiasm and high confidence, and activities for which they have little enthusiasm and low confidence. This is a surprisingly difficult task for many people, as they do not usually use these terms to describe their life activities.

In this exercise, you can see what you want to do but usually don’t do (upper left quadrant), as well as what you have mastered but don’t like to do or have no motivation to do (lower right quadrant). ).

And then you can take action by practicing to improve your skills or by changing your mindset:

Each of us must actively decide what elements we want to have in each quadrant, and determine what percentage of our time will be spent on tasks that fall on one side or the other of the matrix.

Moving from the left side of the matrix to the right side requires an increase in confidence. The only way to build confidence is through action : practicing skills leads to mastery and confidence. And going from the bottom half of the die to the top half requires an increase in your drive. The only way to increase your drive is to change your attitude . This can mean making pursuit a priority, letting go of anxiety that the goal is unattainable, or allowing yourself to fail on the road to success.

This is an unusual, but possibly eye-opening exercise to help you find your way.

Mastering Motivation | Middle


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