Play Puts Your Mac’s Media Player on the Menu Bar, Adds a Bunch of Options

Mac: We’ve seen loads of menu bar apps for managing iTunes, Spotify, and Rdio, but for some reason they don’t seem to update or run for a long time. Plaaying is a new application that gives you control over your music player and should keep working due to its own album decoration system.

At its core, Plaaying is a tool to control iTunes, Spotify, or Rdio from the menu bar. It’s also a great way to quickly preview the track currently playing. Plus, Plaaying has tools for sharing what you listen to via Twitter, as well as dedicated pause modes that automatically pause and start playing your music based on whether you answer a FaceTime call or based on a timer. You also get tons of keyboard shortcuts so you can easily control how Plaaying works.

Plaaying ($ 3.99) | Mac App Store via Beautiful Pixels


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