This Tiny Vibrator Gives Your Clitoris a Hands-Free Experience During Sex

Eva is marketed as the first hands-free vibrator for couples. This little miracle rests on the woman’s clitoris, providing powerful clitoral stimulation during intercourse with her man. But is this how it works? Here’s what we thought after riding the Eva.


Eve has a simple, slightly cosmic look (almost like the character you’ve seen in the Pixar movies). It fits perfectly in the palm of your hand and weighs practically nothing. He has a strong body and two flexible “legs”. The toy has one large button for turning it on and off, and for adjusting three unique power settings. Eva is made from medical grade silicone and is available in aqua and lavender colors. The USB charger retails for $ 105 .

How to use it

Eva is designed to hug the labia and rest on the clitoris. To put Eve in place, you squeeze the bendable legs of the toy and tuck them between the inner and outer labia. The legs expand, pressing Eve against your clitoris. It takes a few tries to get it right, so I would recommend trying it yourself before using it with a partner. Using a mirror can also help put it in the right place. From there, choose the power setting you like best. Eva is designed to work effortlessly, so you just leave her in place during intercourse with your partner. You can also use it yourself, perhaps for a really lazy hands-free masturbation session.

What i loved

This is an incredibly smart product. I cannot speak highly enough of the mission behind Eve. 70% of women cannot orgasm from penetration alone , and this is well known to the Dame Products team. They set out to help narrow the “orgasm gap” between heterosexual men and women by giving women more clitoral stimulation as unobtrusively and without apology as possible.

It’s simple. Eva provides excellent stimulation with minimal effort. There is nothing to keep in place or fidget, so your hands (and attention) are freed up to interact with your partner. So many women feel guilty or lack clitoral stimulation, but Eve doesn’t make it special (as it should!).

The vibrations are pretty strong. For such a miniature toy, this is impressive.

What i didn’t

It doesn’t suit everyone. And here’s the hardest part. Sex toys are difficult to look at because people’s bodies are so different. What works for one person will not work for another. As much as I loved Eva’s idea and design, it didn’t work for my body. The vibrator protrudes from the bottom of the toy (meaning you don’t have a flat surface against your clitoris) and I did find it was somewhat painful when Eve pressed down on me. Since Eve sits right in the center of the whole action, it’s damn impossible to avoid that kind of pressure. I’ve read other Eva reviews and no one else mentioned this issue, so my experience may have been far beyond the norm.

It is difficult to keep it in place. The EVA is designed for hands-free use. In theory, this is a great idea, but it is not always possible to implement in real life. The legs of the toy can wrap decently around the labia, but that doesn’t mean that you are super-gluing them to yourself. Eve often breaks down or just falls completely. It is fairly easy to hold it in place during missionary and woman on top as your bodies are pressed together, but forget about the doggy. Also, if you use lubricant, it will slide further, which is frustrating for a lubricant preacher like me .

More options could be used. I’m nitpicking right now, but it would be nice to have more than three power settings. Some vibration patterns will work as well, as many women do not like constant vibration.

Vibrations are inevitable. For some women, the clitoris can be a little finicky with vibration. You can tap into good, constant pressure, and then suddenly your body spontaneously bounces off, as if to say, “Hey, now! Overkill! “When you use the vibrator yourself, it’s easy to pull it off the clitoris when the sensation gets too strong. In the case of Eva, the vibrator locks in place so it’s difficult to adjust. In the future, it would be nice to see it connected to a remote control or app. so you can easily change the intensity. ”Of course, this takes away the ease of Eve, but this is a compromise I would be willing to make.

Who should buy it

Women who enjoy clitoral stimulation. Yes, it’s a pretty broad category, but this toy does have the ability to change the experience of many women during intercourse. This is a particularly valuable toy for women who are embarrassed to touch themselves during intercourse.

Guys who like a little vibration. This toy can be interesting for men too, as you will feel the vibration at the base of your penis.

Couples who love the missionary position. Even women who can only orgasm from penetration tend to have difficulty during missionary work. This is a great position to feel closer to your partner, but not for women. If you love the missionary position but yearn for a little more “appeal,” this is a great toy for you.

Final verdict

Despite the fact that my personal experience has not been fantastic, I still think that Eva is a great toy for most women. I would probably avoid this if you are sensitive to too much clitoral pressure or if you usually have vigorous sex in creative positions, but it should work for many women. I am also drawn to express my approval because I love Dame Products’ mission and their serious approach to sex toys. We need more toys like Eva on the market.


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