Set up a Clean Hour Every Day to Have Your Kids Help With the Housework.

Children of all ages can participate in household chores – you just need to get them to do them. If you have a daily cleaning ritual that the whole family can participate in, you will be more likely to do this housework.

It doesn’t have to be an hour. A 15 minute “hour” of cleaning, during which each family member can choose their cleaning job, will also be effective. By making it part of your routine, Unclutterer says, you minimize one of the biggest disadvantages of forcing your kids to do housework: Quarrels:

Best part of Cleanliness Hour: No complaints. There was no relaxation. The result was a neat house in an hour. The companionship of everyone who worked (including mom and dad) at the same time was a great motivation. The set time limit also worked well because everyone knew there was a limit on how long they would spend cleaning.

In the weeks that followed, my daughter made an observation. “If we keep the house tidy all week, the Clean Hour could be the Clean Half Hour.” I tried to hold back tears of parental joy over this. “Yes,” I said simply, my heart filled with parental pride. “Yes, it can.”

Heck, even if you don’t have kids, maybe you alone or your significant other could use the Hour of Cleanliness policy.

Encouraging Children to Do Housework | Unobstructed


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