Why Are There so Many Beer Glasses (and What Goes Into Which Glass)
You have so many beers to choose from and so many types of glasses to serve them in. You don’t need to buy all of them, but most beers are traditionally served in certain types of glasses to enhance their flavor. Here’s a visual guide to the most popular ones.
If you are concerned about maintaining maximum carbonation and leaving room for foam to form, choose the best type of glass for your beer. For example, a pint of nonica is best for beer shakes, lagers, ales, stout, IPAs, and porter because the head can form in the extra space at the top of the glass. Likewise, if you have a Belgian IPA, consider pouring it into a goblet to give more carbonation from scratching the bottom of the glass. Check out the infographic below to find out which type of glass is perfect for your favorite beer.