Why Some People Like Mosquitoes More Than Others

You may have experienced this before. You walk in the fresh air with a group of friends, but leave alone after being bitten by a few mosquitoes, while everyone else leaves with impunity. What the heck?! This video explains why some people are just mosquito magnets and what you can do about it if you are.

The Mental Floss video reveals every possible quality that mosquitoes seem to attract. It turns out that this attraction is largely based on genetics, blood type and even your sweat, but it also includes your smell and even how much beer you drink when you hang out with your friends! (Spoiler alert: eating bananas to repel mosquitoes is a myth.)

Watch the video for more interesting details to get rid of this itch of curiosity (hyuk).

Why do mosquitoes prefer to bite some people over others? | Mental thread


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