Ask the Expert: All About Dental Health

Come and say hello to Dr. Mark Burchen . Dr. B approaches oral health from a broader perspective than just dental care: after all, your mouth is part of your body, but it is often discussed as if it were a separate ecosystem.

Of course, we all try to take care of our teeth and oral health, but many of us get a little lazy – do I really need to floss every day? What little things can we do to keep our teeth in great shape? And how does poor oral hygiene affect the rest of the body?

Dr. B has over 30 years of experience as a dentist and writes about oral health on his Ask the Dentist website and in his recent book The 8 Hour Sleep Paradox . He’ll be here within the next hour, so ask a poignant question in the comments below!

This concludes the questions and answers. Thanks to Dr. B. and thanks for your questions!


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