Imagine Your Task From the Outside to Come up With New Ideas

When you come across something, the last thing you need is for an outsider to step in to tell you how to do your job. However, if you’re trying to come up with a new idea, it might help.

As the blog Barking Up the Wrong Tree explains, experience is great, but it can change how you perceive your own art or projects. You get in the habit of immediately rejecting ideas that a newbie might have to think about for a while. Taking an outsider’s point of view can potentially lead you to new conclusions:

So what’s the conclusion here? You don’t have to have a mental disorder, but thinking like an outsider, like someone new to your field, is often enough to change your perspective to trigger innovative mechanisms in your head.

The site also suggests that a quick way to do this is to think like a child. Children are new to everything, so it is easy for them to come up with outlandish or atypical ideas. They don’t know what they don’t need. However, any outside perspective can help if you can visualize your situation through the eyes of someone without your experience.

How To Be Creative: 6 Secrets Backed By Research | Bark on the wrong tree


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