Build a Super Powerful Mobile Gaming Device With the Raspberry Pi 2

The original PiGrrl with power from the Raspberry Pi, created by Adafruit, – a great way to take your retro games on the go , but the installation of a two-button was a bit limiting. Now Adafruit is back with a new version.

PiGrrl 2 contains more buttons (d-pad, A, B, X, Y, L, R, pause and start along with four additional buttons on the screen), a customized version of the RetroPie operating system and the manual is much easier to understand. It’s still a tricky project in any sense of the word, and you need someone to 3D print the enclosure for you , but it’s much more attractive now. That doesn’t mean it’s not expensive, apart from the case, you still have to shell out about $ 130 for everything. Go to Adafruit for a complete parts list and guide.

PiGrrl 2 | Adafrut


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