How a Break in Your Mind Can Help You Regain Strength

We must be rational, intelligent beings who work hard, reap the benefits, and let logic guide our path. This is how the world works, but from time to time, a small break in the mind can benefit us.

The School of Life explains how we should live in order and sanity:

We must be responsible, polite, productive, thoughtful, patient, logical, reliable and incredibly successful.

For the most part, we do a great job with these commitments, but in the end they sneak up on us and push us down. We’re stuck in a rut . We feel like we need a vacation. Routine drives us crazy .

But a little frenzy can be a good thing. That’s why:

We allow our body to experience moments of decline and relaxation. We must allow such moments for our minds … the emphasis should always be on a “good” mental breakdown . Good is when we allow ourselves to be reconnected with valuable truths that we have lost sight of. Emotions and ideas that ordinary life does not allow us to explore.

In short, it is perfectly reasonable and normal to allow yourself to take a break from sanity and productivity from time to time . It can help you reconnect with yourself and recharge your batteries.

Watch the full video to find out more.

The Reason of “Madness” | School of Life (YouTube)


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