Pack Healthy, Filling Meals With This Six-Layer Formula

Putting your own lunch together saves money and helps you eat healthier, but finding combinations that are both delicious and satisfying can be tricky. This formula ensures you always have balanced and delicious packed lunches.

While the video in the article mentions using a bento box, you really need a decent reusable container to pack your six-layer lunch. Here’s what’s on each layer:

  • Cereals: From rice to quinoa, they will be the mainstay of your meal and will be an essential part of keeping you full throughout the day. Obviously, this is not necessary if you are keeping an eye on your carbohydrates.
  • Seasonal Vegetables: You can add more than one vegetable, whichever is at hand. This is a great layer to use the grilled vegetables from yesterday’s dinner.
  • Leafy greens: Raw or cooked greens will enhance your meal, and if you’re cutting out grains or keeping an eye on carbohydrates, replace them with a fibrous and healthy alternative in your lunch staple.
  • Protein: There are many ways to eat here: chopped chicken, jerky, tofu cubes, beans, or a hard-boiled egg.
  • Sour / Sour Taste: Brighten the dish and cook it with a sour dressing, sauce, or even just squeezed lemon.
  • Healthy Fats: This is your chance to truly spice up your daily meal, from olive oil to avocados and nuts.

If you’re planning on doing it in bulk, preparing batches of grains, vegetables, and protein on Sunday to get you through the week, healthy fats and sour layers is where you can make each meal truly its own when it comes. aromatize. For more suggestions and specific food combinations, click on the link below.

The Six Layer Bento Box That Will Not Leave You Hungry | Bon appetit


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