This Liquid, Left Over From Homemade Yogurt or Cheese, Is Used From Stews to Shakes.
If you are making your own Greek yogurt or ricotta, you know that there is usually a fair amount of liquid (known as ” sour whey “) left after straining. You may not be aware that it has many uses and it would be a crime in the kitchen to drain it down the drain.
Sour whey is more acidic than its sweet counterpart, which is the residue that makes harder cheeses like cheddar, but it is just as healthy. It is mostly water, but both types of whey also contain bacteria, vitamins, and protein that are good for the gut . Sour whey has a tart, pleasantly funky flavor that can add complexity and depth to a variety of dishes. Use it as a finishing liquid (like lemon), as a broth for stewing meats or cooking beans and grains, or add a little to your morning smoothie or evening shake. when shaken, it foams very well.
15 Healthy Eating Ways in 2016 | Bon appetit