Industries With the Highest Gender Pay Gap

According to the US Census Bureau (PDF), the gender pay gap may be narrowing, but women still earn 79 cents for every dollar a man earns in a full-time job. However, these numbers vary by industry and research done on job site Glassdoor reveals them.

Glassdoor processed data on more than 500,000 U.S. staff members listed on its website. While their overall results are consistent with those of most other studies, which show that women tend to be paid 75 to 80 cents less per dollar than men, they found that the gap narrowed when job and experience adjusted:

However, comparing workers of similar age, education and years of experience narrows this gap to 19.2 percent. In addition, when comparing workers with the same job title, employer, and location, the gender pay gap in the United States drops to 5.4 percent (94.6 cents per dollar).

These numbers seem promising, but the gap is still there, and overall it is worth noting that the heart of the problem goes beyond simply comparing job titles to job titles .

It is also helpful to see how much the gap widens or narrows depending on the industry. These are the US industries in which Glassdoor found the largest pay gap, as well as the percentage of higher wages for men:

  1. Healthcare: 7.2%
  2. Insurance: 7.2%
  3. Transport and logistics: 6.8%
  4. Media: 6.6%
  5. Arts, Entertainment & Recreation: 6.6%
  6. Finance: 6.4%

These numbers are adjusted for populations and men and women with similar backgrounds and backgrounds. We have previously pointed to the specific jobs with the largest gaps , and they seem to be in line with Glassdoor’s findings.

On the other hand, here are the industries with the smallest gap:

  • Aerospace & Defense: 2.5%
  • Agriculture and forestry: 2.5%
  • Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals: 3.0%
  • Travel & Tourism: 3.0%
  • Restaurants, bars and catering: 3.2%
  • Education: 3.3%

This information is useful for anyone interested in the wage gap, but it is also practical information for women who may want to be more aware of the issue in their industries.

Glassdoor has a lot of additional interesting data comparing, among other things, differences between countries and years of experience. You can download the study for yourself from the link below.

Demystifying the Gender Pay Gap | Glass door


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