Complete Removal of UI Animation in IOS With Accessibility Error

The animations in iOS 9 make things fun and fluid, but that doesn’t mean everyone is a fan. On 9to5Mac, they point to a glitch detected by Redditor that allows animations to be disabled completely, making apps feel like they launch very quickly.

We mentioned earlier that setting the Reduce Motion switch to the On position May get rid of the animation and speed things up a bit, but this glitch takes this to the next level. You can see this in the video above, but here are the steps to include if you don’t want to follow them:

  1. Go to Settings> General> Accessibility> Assisted Touch and turn on Assisted Touch.
  2. Return to the home screen and drag the Assistive Touch square to the lower right corner of the screen.
  3. Pull out Spotlight by swiping down on the home screen. The Assistive Touch square will appear above the keyboard. Tap the screen to close Spotlight. If timed correctly, the glitch is now enabled.
  4. Try running the app to check if the animation has disappeared. If it doesn’t, repeat step 3 several times until it works.

Once enabled, you can go back to Settings and disable Assistive Touch. The glitch will remain active until you restart your device. It took me a few tries to get the timing right, but I knew it would work when the Assistive Touch button locks in place above the keyboard.

Disable iOS System Animations | Reddit How-To: Disable iOS SpringBoard Animations and Make Your Home Screen Faster | 9to5Mac via Gizmodo


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